Thursday, July 10, 2008

and a Google Map or two

Here's the scoop for the 1st two legs..... 

You've noticed by now that I'm a fan of hyperlinks......

And from C to D will get me to Snowmass, Colorado


HyperQ Space said...

tip toe through the tulips... off we go on your TROG (travel blog)... i'll tune-in to see what's up ... stay well and stop to feed the peacocks in Wyoming if ya can..... Randall

Cathy said...

Hi Diane,
We just got back from our annual trek to Beverly Beach on the Oregon Coast. I am looking forward to following your blog, as I have traveled some of the roads you are on. 10 years ago, we took a road trip through 12 states, including the I70 run. My youngest daughter turned 6 on that trip.
I appreciate your friend who advised to drive smart. Enjoy the moment.

Diane said...

Thanks, my friends! I just learned that your Comments arrive in my email box for my approval. Talk about control and ego. So if you write something and it doesn't appear right away, that's why. Love from Goodland, Kansas! Tired but content. Can't wait to write about the retreat with the Benedictines at Snowmass.........